Online Traders’ Registration, Renewals, Returns Filling, RCMC & GSP
Certification Activities
Traders whose registration/renewal applications are rejected will refunded the
registration fee after adjusting it with any pending penalties, auction dues, postal
expenses etc.
In the case of commercial graders, Rule 34-I(6) of the Tobacco Board Rules
1976, we hereby refund the fee paid after deducting Rs.100/- towards expenses
and also after adjusting the amount due towards late submission of returns /
submission of returns at a time/non-submission of returns etc.
In the case of Processors, Manufacturers, Exporter of Tobacco, Exporter of
Tobacco Products, Dealers and Packers, Rule 36(6) of the Tobacco Board Rules
1976, we hereby refund the fee paid by you after deducting Rs.100/- towards
expenses and also after adjusting the amount due towards late submission of
return/submission of returns at a time/non-submission of returns etc.